
SOLTI is an academic group founded in 1995. With an accumulated pipeline of 77 clinical trials, we are one of the reference groups in oncology at a national and international level.

Based on our CORPORATE VALUES we work hard to promote an innovative research together with our experts and develop translational trials in oncology, especially in breast cancer.





Clinical Research

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At SOLTI we promote excellence when performing our independent clinical research in oncology, mainly from our members’ own ideas. Presently, the 60% of our pipeline are clinical trials promoted by the Group. With a translational-basis, our trials are grouped under three programs:

Clinical Trial Program

Phase I, II and III proof-of-concept trials. Involving quite a large period of time, give us information on a drug’s efficacy.

Window Program

Very informative trials at a biological level. They take advantage of the period between the diagnosis and surgery to test new therapeutic strategies.

Biomarker Program

Trials with no drug-intervention. Samples collection + correlative analysis of tumors and liquid biopsies. Looking for clinically-predictive biomarkers and mechanisms of resistance.

Medical Education

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We believe that an informed and critical scientific community is essential to achieve our excellence objectives. For this reason, we promote initiatives such as Scientific Bites that provide researchers with interesting new contents while promoting exchange of ideas, scientific discussion, and networking among our members and between them and the rest of the scientific community.

*All our activities are open-access and free for researchers dedicated to oncology.

Scientific Summits

Annual meetings focused on current hot topics in the field. Multidisciplinary faculty and international speakers, good scenario to be informed of recent research results.

Scientific Learning

  • Biostatistics and Bioinformatics course
  • Clinical Trials Design workshop for young researchers
  • Hereditary Breast Cancer Day-Meeting
  • Oncodebates, post-european conference
  • Scientific BITES

Scientific Outreach

Small meetings with local focus and regional speakers. They stimulate knowledge exchange within local community and an excellent forum to disseminate SOLTI’s scientific news.

From Fundación SOLTI we are committed to patient empowerment to help them when facing their disease. Our goal is to offer both information and training about their pathology as well as about clinical research so that they turn into active subjects when making treatment decisions. How?

Training workshops about
clinical trials in
different spanish cities.

Digital tools to connect
patients with each other
(The HOPE Project).

Personalised attention
and counseling about
participation in a clinical trial.

Collaboration with
Patients Associations
around the country.

Online dissemination
and fundraising campaigns
for academic research

Want to be part of the group?

If you are a researcher, you
can associate to SOLTI, it is
free and very easy.

Click here

Sharing your ideas and
clinical research projects.

Collaborating with our educational
initiatives for health care
professionals and patients.